Domain Extensions Directory

Browse hundreds of domain extensions and find the most affordable and useful one for your next online mission!

Domain Directory Image

Why choose HostArmada for your
Domain Name Registrar?

Vast Selection of Domain Names!

With over 500 domain extensions, finding the perfect domain for your website has never been easier. Whether you're starting a new venture, extending your online presence, or simply exploring new possibilities, we've got you covered with the right domain extension.

Carefree renewal with Auto-Renewal!

Skipping the renewal date of a domain name can cost a lot and even loss of the domain name itself. Thanks to our automated domain renewal and notification system, you will always know when a domain is up for renewal and never skip that crucial period!

24/7/365 Domain Name Support

Thanks to our 24/7/365 available Domain Support Crew, our clients can be sure that we will always be there to land assistance with the management of their Domains. Our Domain Support Crew is available via Chat or through our Ticketing System!

Domain Extensions Directory

Choose among the hundreds the perfect domain that will suite your business the most!