Domain Names

Domain Registration & Domain Transfer services for .name Domain Names

What does .name stand for?

Our individuality and uniqueness are what sets us apart from the rest, .NAME domain provides the possibility to outline yourself even over the web. Since .NAME is entirely generic, you can put your creativity to work and use it just about everything. With .NAME you can have a personalized web address and introduce yourself to the world in a professional and constructive way. There are no specific requirements or restrictions to register .NAME extensions, hence if you want to identify yourself over the web you can easily register it.

Important periods for the lifecycle of .name Domain Names


1 - 10 Years


40 days

30 days

5 days


Renewal Grace
Pending Delete
Website & Domain Status
Website & Domain Status Domain Period Period Length
Active Registration 1 - 10 Years
Renewal Grace 40
Inactive Redemption Grace 30
Pending Delete 5 days
Available For Registration

The lifecycle of a domain name consist of few different periods which every domain owner should be familiar with for better domain name management. Here are the typical periods most of the domain names share:

1. AVAILABLE Period - The period in which a .name domain name is AVAILABLE for registration. The registration requirements of an AVAILABLE domain name depend on the domain extension. For more information on the requirements for registering .name domain name please check the next section.

2. Registration Period - Once a .name domain name is registered, it enters in the Registration period which can vary depending on the duration the domain has been registered for. Typically the registration period of .name domain name is between 1 and 10 years. In this period a .name domain name can be renewed anytime after the initial 45 days from the point of the domain registration.

3. Renewal Grace Period - When a .name domain name Expires it changes few periods before it gets completely deleted. The first one is called Renewal Grace Period and as the name suggests this is gracefully provided period for the owner of a domain name to renew the domain. During this period the .name domain will suffer no penalties meaning that the same will be fully functional along with the website it displays. Typically for .name domain this period lasts up to 40 days.

4. Redemption Grace Period - If a .name domain name is not renewed within the Renewal Grace Period it enters the Redemption Grace Period. During this period a .name domain name and the website it displays become inactive, meaning that the domain will be automatically detached from any web hosting service it has been pointing to. In this period of 30 days the domain name can be restored/renewed but there is an additional restoration fee which might vary depending on the domain extension.

5. Pending Delete Period - This is the final period in which a .name domain name can exist. During this period of up to 5 days the domain name is being deleted by the Registrar and the same CANNOT be renewed/restored. After that period passes, the domain name can be registered again since it becomes AVAILABLE for registration.

Requirements for the registration/transfer of .name Domain Name

Requirements to register .NAME domain:

  • Domain length - 3 - 63 Characters

Requirements to transfer .NAME domain:

  • Authorization code (EPP key): 1 - 32 Characters
  • Registrar Lock: Disabled
  • Privacy Protection: Disabled 

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  • CPU
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  • Features
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  • Default Hosting Features
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  • SSD Storage
    40 GB NVMe Storage
  • CPU
    6 Cores CPU
  • RAM
    6 GB RAM
  • Unlimited Website(s)
  • Features
  • FREE SSL for all Websites
  • Default Hosting Features
  • Prepare for Launch Features
  • 21 Daily Backups
  • Loading Speed
  • Speed Reaper Features
  • Dynamic Caching
  • Security
  • Malware Scan
  • Malware Removal
  • WAF & IP Firewall
No Cancellation Fee

No Cancellation fees in case you don't like our service

No additional costs for canceling your service or binding contracts which demand forfeit!

Free Website Migration

Free Website Migration Service

For every Web Hosting Package we have included a FREE one time transfer service for your website!

Moneyback guarantee

45 Days Money-back Guarantee

Test our servers and fall in love with us, or if you decide to leave - receive all your money back!

What do you get with every
Domain Name?

Domain Management

Simple and intuitive domain management

Easily Manage your Domain Names thanks to our intuitive and easy-to-use Client Area. Find all your domains on one place and easily get help for any issues you might face with your domain names!

  • Check Manage Domain Registrations, Renewals and Transfers
  • Check Manage Domain Privacy options
  • Check Get Domain Help
DNS Management

DNS Management

The most important part of managing a domain name is to be able to Create, Edit, and Delete DNS records. Thanks to the DNS management service we provide, you have complete control over the DNS records without any limitations about the DNS records types.

  • Check Edit Domain Nameservers
  • Check Edit Domain DNS records
  • Check Create your own nameservers
Domain Forwarding

Domain forwarding

Easily forward a domain name to another URL, any Social page, or any 3rd party service providers thanks to our Free Domain Forwarding Feature. With it, our clients do not need to have a Web Hosting Account to be able to forward a Domain Name!

  • Check Forward Domain name to another by URL redirect
  • Check Forward Domain name to another by CNAME DNS Record
SubDomains Management

Subdomains Management

A crucial part of the Complete Domain Name Management is the ability to create and fully manage Subdomains.

  • Check Included with every web hosting plan
  • Check Create subdomains with DNS records forwarding to third-party services

Domain Security at its finest!

Privacy Protection
Privacy Protection
Protect your personal data so nobody will be able to see it in the public WHOIS record! Thanks to our Privacy Protection service, your personal information will be replaced by secured placeholder!
Domain Locking
Domain Locking
Every domain name that you register with us will be locked by default, so it cannot be transferred without your approval! Тo transfer your domain - simply remove the lock from the HostArmada Client Area!
SSL Certificate
Free SSL Certificate
The visitors of your website should browse your website without the risk of exposing their personal information! Thanks to our Free SSL service, we will encrypt the connection with your website visitors!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

You ask, we answer! Here are the most asked questions for our services!

What is Top Level Domain (TLD) or Domain Extension?
  • A Top Level Domain (TLD) or also known as Domain Extension, is that part of a Domain Name which illustrates the relation of the Domain name to an actual domain(area) of expertise. Typically it is located directly after the Second Level Domain or after the last "." (dot) in the Domain Name string. 

    For example, in the domain name the ".com" part is the Top Level Domain and it illustrates the relation between our services and the Commercial (.com) area of expertise.

    Another good example is The TLDs or Domain Extension, in this case, is ".de" and it illustrates that the domain relates to Germany. 

    HostArmada offers a large variety of domain extensions which our users can easily register. However, there are certain TLDs or Domain Extensions that have specific requirements to the Registrants(the customers) before registering a domain name. These requirements can be checked on every Domain Extension page that we have on our website.

Can I change the Top Level Domain once registered?
  • Unfortunately changing the Top Level Domain once the Domain Name has been registered is not an option. This limitation is put by the Registry and our Registrar service have to comply with it. If a user registered a Domain Name with a Top Level Domain that is incorrect the only option that we can offer is the registration of a second Domain Name and for the first one to be Parked or Forwarded to the new Domain Name.

What will I pay for the registration/transfer/renewal of my Domain Name?
  • That depends on the selected Top Level Domain and on whether or not the selected Top Level Domain name is in a promotion or it is presented with its regular price. If the Top Level Domain is in promotion then the price for the Registration/Transfer is the promotional price while the Renewal price will be the regular price of the Top Level Domain. If the Top Level Domain is not in any ongoing promotion then the price for the Registration/Transfer/Renewal services is the same. 

Can I register more than one Top Level Domain but with the same Second Level Domain?
  • Yes, of course! Registering more than one Top Level Domain with the same Second Level Domain is recommended when our customers would like to protect their business and also make it easily accessible for their visitors. Please note that there are no discounts provided for bulk Domain Name registrations. 

Will I receive notifications when I need to renew my Domain Name?
  • Yes, of course! We will send an email when your Domain Name is about to expire along with a renewal invoice. If the Domain Name should be renewed the renewal invoice should be paid within the Renewal Grace Period of 45 days.