HostArmada Web Hosting Knowledge Base

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How to change my cPanel password?

To change the cPanel password of your hosting account with HostArmada, you need to log into your Client Area. If you are not sure how to do that, check the How To Access the HostAmarada Client Area tutorial. 

After logging in to your Client Area, please point your attention to the left side of the page and follow these steps:

  •  When you locate the "My Services" link there, please press it.
  •  You will be redirected to a page containing all your products with us. Please locate the hosting account you want to change the cPanel password for and click on the icon, resembling a pointing finger.




  • On the bottom right of the screen, you will see the "Change cPanel Password" section.
  • Inside the section, you will see two text fields. The "New Password" and the "Confirm New Password" text fields. To change the password, please write the new password in both areas and press the "Save Changes" button located underneath. You may also use the "Generate Password" button to produce a secure password you can then set for the cPanel account. If you choose this method, you can hold this password within a file which you believe is safe on your computer or with a password vault manager such as LastPass.




With this done, the password for your cPanel account will be successfully changed.

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