When you purchase a domain name you are requested to submit your personal information such as your name, address, phone number, etc. This information is publicly available to everyone browsing the internet via the whois registries and a lot of people prefer to have this hidden. You have the option to hide your personal information in the whois registries by purchasing a Domain Privacy(ID Protection) service. Additional benefits of applying domain privacy are as follows:
- Your email address will be hidden, which means that your email cannot be added to spam lists and bombarded with spam.
- You will able to hide any details your competitors may use to compromise your business.
- You will feel safe and secure knowing that your personal information is not accessible.
To take advantage of this service, please proceed to your Client Area. From there locate the "Domains" dropdown menu located on the left side of the page. Please press it to expand the dropdown and select "My Domains" from the list. This will send you to a page containing a table section populated with all your domains with us. Please point your attention to the far right side of the table section where you will notice a wrench button. Please press it to go to the "Domain Management" page.
On the bottom side of the screen, you will see the "Addon Services" section and beneath it, the various domain addons we provide. The "ID Protection" feature should be located on top of the section. To purchase it, please press the "Buy Now" button.
This action will redirect you to the checkout page where you can proceed with the payment for the service. Once the order is submitted the "ID Protection" service will be immediately activated for the corresponding domain name.