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TYPO3 is a flexible CMS ideal for small blogs and complex multilevel online corporations.

• Last Updated: 05/21/2020
• ( 9 minutes reading )

How to create and managed Administrative Users in TYPO3


Adding new admin users and managing their level of access is a useful option to have, especially when using an enterprise-level solution such as TYPO3. Given the vastness of the CMS, you will most likely have individual people managing certain aspects of the site. In this tutorial, we are going to go over the way of creating admin users in TYPO3 and adequately manage them. Let’s begin.


Getting Started

To start adding new users and manage them, you need to log into your admin dashboard first. To do that, please add “/typo3” to your domain name - for example, “mycms.com/typo3” where “mycms.com” is your actual domain.


Login page


Accessing the mentioned URL will show a login page, where you have to enter your login credentials to access the backend. We also highly recommend checking our TYPO3 Backend Overview tutorial, which will introduce you to the basics.

Once you have logged into your dashboard, please point your attention to the left, where you will see the Module Menu. 


Access Maintenance tool


Right under the “Admin Tools” section, you will see the “Maintenance” option. When you click on it, the page will be refreshed, and you will see a couple of panels in the middle of the screen, which will allow you to perform certain tasks.


Creating Admin Users

Please locate the “Create Administrative User” panel and click on the “Create Administrator” button under it.


Create Administrator


Upon doing that, a pop-up window will appear, allowing you to create a new admin user. You will be required to specify the following details:

  • Username - In this field, please type in a name for the new admin.
  • Password - Within this text field, please type in the log-in password for your new admin user.
  • Repeat password - Inside this text field, please re-enter the above password.
  • Add as system maintainer - This tickbox will allow you to add additional control for the new user. If you want him to have full control over the TYPO3 admin area, please put a check inside it.


Specify Admin User account details


After you have entered the required information, please press the “Create administrator user” button, which will be located on the bottom left side of the popup window. The account will become fully active, and the new admin can start utilizing it immediately!


Managing Admin Users

After creating the admin users, they are populated within a list in the “Backend users” page of TYPO3. To access it, please point your attention to the left side of the screen and under the “System” section, click the “Backend users” option.


Access Backend Users section


The middle area of the page will refresh, and you will see the list holding all the admin users on the CMS.


Admin Users list


Let’s discuss the page itself and introduce you to all its functionalities. On the top of the page, you will see a section containing a text bar and a few dropdown menus. This is a filter, which will allow you to search for users inside the list.


Filter Admin Users


Going down, you will see the actual list of users, populating a table section. Here is all the information within the table.

  • Username/Real Name - Under this column, you will find the name of the user.
  • Last Login - Under this column, you will see when was the last time this user logged inside the backend of TYPO3.


Admin Users table


On the very far right of the table, you will see a few icons, each one of them allowing you to manage a certain aspect of the user’s account. Let’s go over them.

  • Pen Icon - Clicking on this icon will allow you to edit the user’s general information, such as username, password, maintainer access, and account status.
  • Toggle-switch icon - This icon will enable/disable the user’s access to the TYPO3 backend.
  • Bin icon - Clicking on this icon will allow you to delete the admin user. Note that this will not be available for the user you have used to log in.
  • Information icon - Clicking on this icon will open a popup window, which contains information about the user, such as creation date, username, description, and email.
  • + Compare button - This button will create a separate list of each chosen user, above the current table. Once you have two or more users inside the newly created compare list, you can press the “Compare user list” button to generate a table, where each user will be placed, along with various information about them, allowing you to compare results.


Compare Admin Users


  •  Curved arrow icon - The last icon on the row, will allow you to switch to the account whose icon you clicked. For instance, if you have logged in as the “admin” user and then switched to the “test” user, you will be viewing the account with that user, and this will be acknowledged by the name on the top right side of the screen.


Switch Admin Users


Now that you know the layout of the user management page let’s explore the settings under the “Pen Icon”, which allows you to change various information about the corresponding user. To access this area, please click on the “Pen Icon” located on the row of the user you want to alter.


List additional Admin User settings


Clicking on the mentioned icon will refresh the page and list additional options for this specific user residing under four tabs.


Edit Admin User


To keep it consistent, we will review each tab separately, starting with the first "General" tab.


General tab

This will be the default tab opened when you access the “Edit User” screen. Let’s go over all of the changes you can perform there.

  • Enabled - This toggle switch will allow you to disable/enable the selected user. Disabling it will not allow them to log into the backend.
  • Admin - This toggle switch will allow you to enable the system maintainer mode for the account. This gives them access to additional settings on the account.
  • Username - This text field will allow you to change the username of the selected admin.
  • Password - This text field will allow you to change the password of the selected admin.
  • Avatar - This area will be represented by two buttons. The “Create new relation image” button and the “Select & upload files”. We recommend using the “Select & upload files” as it is a method of uploading the avatar file and using it for the user immediately. The “Add image” button will open a new window, which will allow you to utilize the “Filelist” functionality. We will discuss the “Filelist” feature in a separate tutorial.
  • Group - This option will provide you with two content boxes underneath, allowing you to assign the user to a specific group.
  • Name - This text field will allow you to enter the real name of the admin - George, for example.
  • Email - This text field will allow you to enter the email address of the admin user.
  • Default Language - This dropdown allows you to select the default language for the admin user.
  • Last login - This field shows when was the last time the user logged inside the TYPO3 backend.


Options Tab

The “Options” tab is located on the right side of the “General” tab. To access it, please click there. The settings underneath it will allow you to control one of the most powerful features of Typo3 - the mount points. 


Options tab overview


Let’s go over them and explain what they do.

  • IP lock for user - The default value for this button is “Enabled”. It will automatically log out the user, should their IP address change, while they are operating in the backend.
  • TSconfig - This is a very advanced setting that allows you to extend the configuration of the user in great detail. Within the content box, you can perform a detailed configuration of the backend modules, the setting of user-specific default table field values, and settings for Rich Text Editor options.
  • DB Mounts -  This is the Page Tree used by all the submodules to navigate. It must have some points-of-entry defined. Inside this content box, you should insert one or more references to a page that will represent a new root page for the page tree. 
  • Mount from groups - You will see two checkboxes under this section. By thinking them, you can allow this user to inherit the DB and File mount points of the user group they belong to.
  • File Mounts - This is the file folder Tree used by all File-submodules to navigate between the file folders on the webserver. You may define this file mount for the specific user using the content boxes available under the “File Mounts” section.


Access Tab

Next is the “Access” tab. It will allow you to set a window in which the selected user is able to have access to the backend of the TYPO3 CMS.


Admin User Settings


Clicking inside the “Start” and “Stop” text fields will expand a calendar, allowing you to select a start point and an endpoint for the user’s access.


Notes Tab

The last tab on this page will be the “Notes” tab.

You will see a content box, under the “Description” heading, allowing you to type anything you believe is important to know about the specific user. For example, you can leave a note, notifying the user that you will be performing maintenance of the backend, and his account will be disabled until it’s over.


Admin User Notes section


Finally, when you have made the desired changes for the admin user, you can save them by clicking on the “Save” button located on the top of the page.


Save Admin User account changes


That’s it! The way to create and manage your users in TYPO3. It may seem a bit overwhelming at first as the amount of control you have over the users is quite vast. However, taking your time to understand every aspect of this functionality will surely show a new horizon of possibilities.



Content Marketing Specialist

Sebahat is a young and bright woman who has become an invaluable part of our team. She started as a Customer Care Representative, mastering that role and, along the way, growing into a tech-savvy individual who is well acquainted with every support layer of the company. Driven by her aim to improve our customers’ experience constantly, she is committed to enhancing the extraordinary support we deliver.