Being able to trace and check DNS records for a domain can be a really useful skill you can utilize when you are troubleshooting domain resolution issues. There are countless ways and tools you can do that with but in this tutorial specifically, we will teach you how to do so using the digwebinterface tool. It is really simple and intuitive to use so hopefully, after reading this article, you will be able to use it effectively:
- After accessing the tool, you will notice a content box on the top left side. You will see the “Hostnames or IP addresses” label. Inside this content box, you need to enter the domain name you want to trace, without including the HTTP or HTTPS. You can, however, include www, but this could be a completely different DNS record and it can resolve to a different IP. Here is an example of what you should enter:
- On the right side of the content box, you will see a drop-down menu labeled “Type”. From it, please select the type of record you will be looking up - for example, MX or A record.
- Underneath this drop-down menu, you will find several checkboxes. We will not cover all of them as they have a lot of functionalities. Normally, if you completely ignore them and do the trace without selecting any of them, you will still receive results, however, we will tell you how you can make the output more readable. To do so, please select the “Trace” and the “Colorize output” tickboxes.
- Finally, please click the “Dig” button, located on the bottom left side of the content box.
- After one second, on the bottom of the screen, you will see a long output, which traces the entire DNS path which is quite complex and it is really of no use to you unless you are troubleshooting a really complex DNS problem. What you are interested in is the last few lines which include the domain’s name servers and the record you are looking up.
- After receiving the current record values for the domain, you can now cross-reference them with the server you want them to point to in order to see if it is correct.