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TYPO3 is a flexible CMS ideal for small blogs and complex multilevel online corporations.

• Last Updated: 06/01/2020
• ( 5 minutes reading )

How to use the Filelist feature in TYPO3 to manage your files


FileManagers are features that allow easy maneuvering through the file system of a given computer. Each Operating System has such a feature. If you are a Windows user, you should be accustomed to it. Linux does not have a native FileManager, as the typical Unix environment usually lacks a GUI (Graphical User Interface). This has not stopped the vast community, and they have all built various software that implement a FileManager to a Unix-based machine, allowing users to take advantage of them. Such is the case with cPanel. Our hosting solutions are Linux-based, and in order to alleviate our client - we integrated the most powerful hosting platform, which also coincidently utilizes an easy-to-use FileManager.

The TYPO3 developers have decided to go a step further and implement a FileManager feature directly into the admin dashboard. Their goal is to create a Backed, that allows the user to manage anything related to the software without the need for other control panels - a consolidated environment designed with ease of access in mind.

In this tutorial, we will go over the “Filelist” feature, which will allow you to easily manage your files from the convenience of your admin dashboard. Let’s begin.


Getting Started

To access the “Filelist” feature, you need to log into your admin dashboard first. To do that, please add “/typo3” to your domain name - for example, “mycms.com/typo3” where “mycms.com” is your actual domain.


TYPO3 Admin Login Page


Accessing the mentioned URL will show a login page, where you have to enter your login credentials to access the backend. We also highly recommend checking our TYPO3 Backend Overview tutorial, which introduces the basics.

Once you have logged into your dashboard, please point your attention to the left, where you will see the module menu. 


Access TYPO3 Filelist feature


Right under the “File” section, you will see the “Filelist” option. When you click on it, the page will be refreshed, and you will see a view similar to the Page Tree, explained the How to use the Page Tree to add pages in TYPO3 tutorial.


TYPO3 File structure


You can refer to it as the “File Tree”, and all the folders will be mounted to the “fileadmin” folder located in the root directory of the application.


Using the FileManager feature

In the middle of the screen, you will see a table section, which is populated by all the folders mounted to the “fileadmin” folder. These would typically be form definition files, user-uploaded files, and temporary files. 


TYPO3 Files section


Above this table section, you will see a search field, allowing you to look for specific files or folders.

Underneath the table section populating the files and folders, you will see three checkboxes. When checked, the “Extended View” option displays a few additional icons corresponding to the row within the table. Let’s review what each icon represents and allows you to do.


TYPO3 File/Folder Actions


  • Delete - This icon will resemble a trash bin, and when clicked, it will allow you to delete the respective file or folder.
  • Info - This icon will resemble the (i) English letter. When you click on it, it will show a popup window, giving you all sorts of information about the file or folder. This includes its UID, date of creation, storage, filename, mime type, size, and compression state.
  • Upload Files - This is an exclusive icon to folders that resembles a disk with an arrow pointing upwards. When clicked, it will allow you to upload files directly to the respective folder.
  • Rename - This icon will resemble a halved rectangle, with one of his halves filled and the other empty. It will allow you to rename the respective file/folder.
  • Replace - This is an exclusive icon to files that resembles the letters A and B with curved arrows in-between. Clicking on this icon will allow you to replace the file with a new one from your local computer or device.
  • Show - This is yet another icon that is exclusive to files. It resembles a list with an eye on its bottom right corner. When clicked, it will open a new tab in your browser and will show the respective media file.
  • Edit Metadata of this file - This is another icon that is exclusive to files. It resembles a pencil, and when clicked, it will allow you to edit the metadata of the file.
  • Edit Content - This is a file exclusive icon, which will be available for text files containing simple text or code. It will resemble a list with a pencil at its bottom right corner.
  • Translate metadata - This icon resembles a list with the planet earth located on its bottom right corner. Clicking on it will allow you to translate the metadata of the given file to a language available within the current distribution package.


TYPO3 Extended View File actions


To navigate through the files, all you need to do is left-click on the selected folder to enter it and show its contents.


Navigate through TYPO3 FileManager


To go back to the previous directory, please click the icon above the search bar, resembling a curved arrow pointing up.


Go back to previous TYPO3 File Directory


To add content in the current directory, please click the icon resembling a plus (+) sign, above the search bar.


Add new File or Folder to TYPO3


When clicked, the functionality will allow you to add three types of content:

  • Folder - The folder option will allow you to add either one or multiple folders at once (up to 10).
  • Media asset - This is a truly amazing functionality that will allow you to add media assets to your folders, such as Youtube and Vimeo videos! All you need to do is enter the URL and hit the “Add Media” button.
  • Textfile - This option will allow you to create files with various extensions, such as TXT, CSS, HTML, JS, SQL, CSVand YAML.

To upload a file from your local device into the current directory, please click on the icon resembling a disk with an arrow pointing upwards.


Upload File to current TYPO3 directory


There you have it! The Filelist feature of TYPO3 explained in all of its entirety. Hopefully, after you have followed the tutorial, you are now well-aware of how to use it properly!



Content Marketing Specialist

Sebahat is a young and bright woman who has become an invaluable part of our team. She started as a Customer Care Representative, mastering that role and, along the way, growing into a tech-savvy individual who is well acquainted with every support layer of the company. Driven by her aim to improve our customers’ experience constantly, she is committed to enhancing the extraordinary support we deliver.