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• Last Updated: 02/17/2020
• ( 6 minutes reading )

How to configure the Settings for your website built with HostArmada Website Builder


To provide your website with different functionalities the HostArmada Website Builder utilizes different user-defined configurations. These are preserved on the server and to be able to configure those you can use the Website Builder itself. In the following lines of this tutorial, we will show you the different types of settings you can configure in the HostArmada Website Builder. 


Configuring the General Settings for your Website

Let's start by reviewing the "General" set of settings provided by the HostArmada Website Builder. You can access the "General" settings page by hovering over the "Settings" link located in the let vertical navigational menu. 


Accessing the general settings


You will be redirected to a brand new page on which you will find the following settings for you to configure:

  • Site Title - In this field, you should type the title of your website. It will be displayed to the visitors on the Home Page of your website.
  • Tagline - In this field, you should explain what your website is all about. The tagline of a website is displayed right below the title and in conjunction, they tell your visitors what your website is all about.
  • Email Address - The email address for your website. This setting will be unavailable for editing due to the fact that it is automatically taken from the cPanel information for your Web Hosting Account.
  • Timezone - Here you should choose the timezone your website will utilize.
  • Date Format - Please choose the correct date format for your website.
  • Time Format - Please choose the correct time format for your website.
  • Week Starts On - Please choose the day when the working week starts in your country.
  • Site Language - Please choose the default language for your website. 

When you are ready with the changes, please click on the "Save Changes" button located at the bottom of the page.


Configuring the general settings


The Website Builder will then reload the page and will inform you about the successful operation with an appropriate message displayed on top of the page. 


Configuring the Writing Settings for your Website

The "Writing" settings are used only to define which will be the "Default Post Category" on your website. This is the category that will be displayed on the Blog page of your website. To configure this setting you will need to access the "Writing" settings by hovering over the "Settings" link located in the left vertical navigation menu. 


Writing settings for your website


Once you are ready with the configuration, please do not forget to click on the "Save Changes" button located at the bottom of the page. 


Configuring the Reading Settings for your Website

The "Reading" settings are related to how your website will be read by its visitors. To access the "Reading" settings, please hover over the "Settings" link from the left navigational menu and when the drop-down menu appears, please click on the "Reading" link. 


Accessing the reading settings for your website


You will be redirected to a brand new page on which you will find the following settings for you to configure:

  • Front page displays - Using this option you will be able to configure whether the home page of your website should display a list of the blog posts you have added or a static page. By default with every theme that you choose there will be a static page already selected. Additionally, you will be able to choose the page on which the blog posts will be displayed as well. 
  • Blog pages show at most - Here you will be able to define how many blog posts should the Blog page of your website show. 
  • Syndication feeds show the most recent - This setting will allow you to configure how many blog posts will be sent via the RSS Feed at one time.
  • Full Width blog - By using this option you will be able to configure just so every blog post is displayed on a full-width page instead of contained within the website's container.
  • Hide User details on Blog - This option will allow you to hide the information for the user who posted the blog post such as username or avatar.
  • Hide Date on Blog - This option will allow you to hide the Date and Time from the Blog Post's page.
  • Hide Navigation on Blog - This option will allow you to hide the blog posts navigation. The navigation is presented with two buttons on each blog post - Previous Blog Post and Next Blog Post
  • Search Engine Visibility - Here you will be able to select if your website should be indexed by search engines likе Google.

Once you are ready configuring the settings, please click on the "Save Changes" button located at the bottom of the page. 


Configure the reading settings


When the changes are saved, the Website Builder will reload the page and will present you with the appropriate message to indicate whether or not the saving was successful.


Configuring the Media Settings for your Website

The "Media" settings in the HostArmada Website Builder are for defining the sizes for the images that you will be uploading to your website. Whenever an image is being uploaded, the same is converted to a few sizes which can be then used on the pages of your website. The sizes are "Thumbnail Size", "Medium Size" and "Large Size". By using these settings you will be able to define the exact dimensions for the images to be converted into. 

To access the "Media" settings, please hover over the "Settings" link located in the left vertical navigation menu, and from the sub-menu that will appear please click on the "Media" link. 


Accessing the Media Settings


You will be redirected to a brand new page where you will be able to find the already mentioned settings for the different types of dimensions for the uploaded images on your websitе. We strongly suggest leaving the settings as they are since the configured already dimensions are industry standard. When you are ready with the configuration, please click on the "Save Changes" button located at the bottom of the page.


Configuring the media settings


The page will then refresh and the Website Builder will present you with an appropriate message indicating the success of the performed operation. 


Configuring the Editor Settings for your Website

The "Editor Settings" are a separate set of settings aiming to provide configuration options related to the content of your website. To access these settings, please hover over the "Settings" link located in the left vertical navigation menu, and from the newly presented drop-down menu, please choose the link "Editor Settings". 


Configuring the Editor Settings


You will be redirected to a brand new page in which you will be presented with several settings for you to configure. Let's review those, one by one. 

  • Check spelling - This option will allow the Website Builder to check the spelling for the text that you are entering on the pages of your website. This option will be activated by default.
  • Fixed Row Width - Here you can define the maximum width of the container for each row.
  • Custom CSS code: - In this field, you will be able to add your own CSS code which will be then appended to the code of your website.
  • Custom HTML code: - In this field, you will be able to add your own HTML code that will be prepended to the header section of your website. 
  • Custom HTML Footer code - This is the same field as the previous one with the only difference that the code will be added in the footer of your website this time.
  • Excerpt and More tag - Using the settings provided in this field you will be able to configure the excerpt-related settings for your blog posts.
  • Google Fonts - Here you will be able to add new Google fonts in case you need such on your website. 

Once you are done configuring all the settings, please click on the "Save" button located at the bottom of the page so all the configurations can be saved. 


Saving the editor settings


That's it - everything you need to know when configuring the basic settings for your website built with the HostArmada Website Builder. Although the settings we have covered are not that much they definitely require your attention when performing any modifications on the default values. In case you are facing any difficulties performing changes in the outlined settings, please do not hesitate to contact our Technical Support Crew and as for their assistance. 

Content Marketing Specialist

Sebahat is a young and bright woman who has become an invaluable part of our team. She started as a Customer Care Representative, mastering that role and, along the way, growing into a tech-savvy individual who is well acquainted with every support layer of the company. Driven by her aim to improve our customers’ experience constantly, she is committed to enhancing the extraordinary support we deliver.