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• Last Updated: 02/25/2020
• ( 5 minutes reading )

How to enable and configure Cookie Consent in HostArmada Website Builder


Cookies are small bits of data stored by a website on a visitor's computer. Typically the usage of cookies is associated with the improvement of the visitor's browsing experience on a website. They are particularly useful when data about a visitor need to be transferred between visits of different pages or subsequent visits of the same website page. Due to their nature, cookies are often used when tracking visitors across multiple websites. The tracking data includes personal information that identifies a visitor and often it is used when displaying relevant to the visited websites ads to the visitor. Such behavior is not always welcome by the visitors and in many cases, the visitors would like to disallow such behavior. For this reason, the European Union approved a law that requires the owners of European websites or websites that are available for European visitors to receive the consent of the visitor specifically before cookies are being sent by the website. The law started a tidal wave of Cookie Consent banners flooding all the websites available on the Internet since there is no other convenient way of getting the visitor's consent. In the next lines of this tutorial, we will show you how to configure the Cookie Consent notice in the HostArmada Website Builder. 


Accessing the Cookie Consent configuration page

In order to enable and configure the Cookie Consent notice on your website built with the HostArmada Website Builder, you will need to access a dedicated page in the Dashboard of the Website Builder. To do so, please hover over the "Settings" option located in the left vertical menu. From the newly appeared drop-down menu, please choose the "Cookie Consent" option. 


Accessing the Cookie Consent configuration page


You will be redirected to a new page called respectively "Cookie Consent" where you will be able to enable and fully configure the Cookie Consent notice displayed on your website.


Enabling and Configuring the Cookie Consent notice

Enabling the Cookie Consent notice will display a banner on your website that will inform your visitors that your website is using cookies. To enable the banner, please use the first option on the page - "Turn on Cookie Consent".


Enabling Cookie Consent


Now that you have the banner enabled it is time to configure it. There are several useful configurations you can perform and in the next lines of this tutorial, we will get you familiar with those. 


Banner Position

The "Banner Position" option will allow you to specify where on the page the Cookie Consent banner will be displayed. Please choose the best fitting location. 


Banner Layout

By using the options in this configuration setting you will be able to set the layout of the Cookie Consent banner. 


Banner Color

Here you can define the different colors the Cookie Consent banner will be using. 


Learn More Link

In this field, you will have to specify the link to the Cookie Policy of your website. Please note that the website themes that we offer do not come with included Cookie Policy page by default and you will need to create it following our tutorial related to the management of your website pages.



In this set of settings, you will be able to configure the texts displayed across the Cookie Consent banner. 


When you are done configuring the options, please click on the "Save Changes" button located at the bottom of the page. This will save the settings, however, it WILL NOT PUBLISH the banner. Therefore, you will need to also click on the green "Publish" button located in the top horizontal toolbar. 


Saving and publishing your website


Once your website is published, the Cookie Consent notice will appear as you have configured it. 


Cookie Consent is important if you would like to be compliant with the EU laws and be more transparent with the way how you use the personal information of your visitors. We sincerely hope that the information provided in this tutorial will be useful for you to achieve your goals and in case you face any difficulty in the process or you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Technical Support Team for further assistance on the matter.  

Content Marketing Specialist

Sebahat is a young and bright woman who has become an invaluable part of our team. She started as a Customer Care Representative, mastering that role and, along the way, growing into a tech-savvy individual who is well acquainted with every support layer of the company. Driven by her aim to improve our customers’ experience constantly, she is committed to enhancing the extraordinary support we deliver.