A typical website consists of some content and different functionalities structured by pages. In other words, to better organize your content and to provide dedicated space for certain functionality you will need to be able to manage the pages for your website. With HostArmada Website Builder you are provided with a functionality called "Pages" under which you will be able to create new and edit or delete already existing pages. In the following lines of this tutorial, we will get you familiar with how that can be achieved.
Before we can discuss the management of the pages for your website, we are obligated to point you in the right direction. The way how the HostArmada Website Builder works is by selecting a website prior to performing any edits and configurations on the same. To find out which is the currently selected website you will need to check the top horizontal bar. There you will find the following options:
Depending on whether or not you have chosen a theme for your website additional buttons and options might be displayed in the right part of the top horizontal bar.
Considering the provided information you will need to ensure that you are editing the correct website by checking the "Site" option from the top horizontal bar. If the website is not the correct one, please use the "Switch Site" menu so you can be able to pick the correct website.
Now that the website is selected, you will need to choose a theme if you have not done so already. Please note that without a selected theme the builder will not allow you to manage any of the pages for your website due to the simple fact that there will be none. Therefore, please ensure that you have chosen a theme from the list provided on the "Dashboard" page or on the "Themes" page.
Once this is done you are ready to access the "Pages" feature. To do so, please hover over the "Pages" link from the left vertical menu, and from the sub-menu that will appear, please click on the "All Pages" link.
This will redirect you to a new page where you will see a complete list of all the pages your website currently have.
To add a new page to your website you will need to once again hover over the "Pages" link and when the submenu appears, please click on the "Add New" link.
The Website Builder will then create the page and it will take you to the interface for editing pages. You can read more about how to edit the pages of your website built with the HostArmada Website Builder in our other tutorial "How to Edit a Page in HostArmada Website Builder".
As you might have noticed the Website Builder did not ask you about the name of the page or other related information. The reason for that is because you can set everything related to the created page when you are actually editing it. Let's see how that can be done.
On the top side of the editing page, you will see a horizontal options bar. In it, you will find different information about the edited page along with some useful tools that will help you when you actually edit the page. For the purpose of this tutorial we will stick to the options about the newly created page:
Once you are done configuring these two options, please click on the green button labeled "Update" so the performed changes can be saved.
From here you can either continue editing the newly created page or you can go back to the "Dashboard" of the Website Builder by clicking on the "Close" button displayed at the upper right corner of the screen.
Apart from adding a new page and editing existing pages, the HostArmada Website Builder allows you to delete existing pages as well. To delete an existing page you will have to once again access the list of existing pages using the "Pages" > "All Pages" link. Once the list of pages has been loaded you will need to locate the page you would like to delete and click on the small red trashcan icon displayed for each of the pages.
The page will then be removed from the list of existing pages and moved to the Trash collection just in case you would like to restore it in the future.
This concludes the available management actions you can take with the pages of your website built with the HostArmada Website builder. We sincerely hope that this tutorial was useful for you and that following it you will be able to ease your work with the HostArmada Website builder. In case you face any issues or difficulties using the described in this tutorial features, please do not hesitate to contact our Technical Support Crew so they can assist you further.
Sebahat is a young and bright woman who has become an invaluable part of our team. She started as a Customer Care Representative, mastering that role and, along the way, growing into a tech-savvy individual who is well acquainted with every support layer of the company. Driven by her aim to improve our customers’ experience constantly, she is committed to enhancing the extraordinary support we deliver.