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• Last Updated: 02/17/2020
• ( 8 minutes reading )

How to manage the Menus of your website built with HostArmada Website Builder


A Menu is a web component that is used for navigation purposes so the visitors of your website can easily switch between the pages presented on the website. A typical menu consists of links. These are the actual elements of the menu that the visitors will click on when they would like to browse the content of another page on your website. The HostArmada Website Builder allows you easily, with few clicks to fully manage the menus of your website and in the next lines of this tutorial, we will fully review that functionality.  


Accessing the Menu Management page

Like every other feature of the HostArmada Website Builder, the Menus can be managed independently from the other components. For that purpose, you are provided with a separate page dedicated to the Menus of your website and in order to access it, you will simply have to click on the "Menus" link located in the left vertical menu of the HostArmada Website Builder. 


Accessing the Menus Page


You will then be redirected to a brand new page where you will be presented with all the settings you can tweak in order to fully manage your website's menus. 


Create a New Menu

Typically if you have already selected the theme for your website there will be at least 1 menu already created. However, let's assume that you would like to create a brand new menu and not use the provided by default. To create a new menu you will need to click on the "create a new menu" button located at the top of the "Menu" page.


Creating a new menu


You will be redirected to a similar page, however here you will need to type the name of the newly created menu. 


Configure menu name


Once the menu is created you will be redirected back to a similar in structure page as the one you have been presented initially when you have accessed the "Menus" page. Here you will be able to actually fully edit the menu you have just created.


Edit already created, existing Menus

The structure of the menu editing page is relatively simple. From the left side of the page, you will find all the menu items you can add to the menu while on the right part of the page you will find the actual menu itself where the desired menu components will be added. 


Menu Editing Page


From the "Menu Components" area you will be able to select, configure and add links to your menu. Let's review what types of links you can add.



By using this component you will be able to select from a list of existing website pages the ones you would like to be presented in the menu. To choose a page please check the checkbox before each of the pages you would like to add to the menu.


Adding pages to menu


Once you are done selecting the pages, please do not forget to click the "Add to Menu" button which will actually add all the pages to the menu. 



By using the component you will be able to choose from a list of all the existing posts on your website the ones you would like to include in the menu. Similar to the "Pages" component, here you will be able to select one or multiple Blog Posts to add to the selected menu. 


Adding Blog Posts to menu


Once you are done selecting the Blog Posts, please do not forget to click the "Add to Menu" button which will actually add all the Blog Posts to the selected menu. 


Custom Links

This component will allow you to add your own custom links to the menu. The custom links are added one by one by filling their "URL" and "Link Text". The URL is the actual web address this link will take the visitor clicking it and the "Link Text" is the text that will be displayed on the menu for this link. When you have filled these, please click on the "Add to Menu" button which will actually add the link to the selected menu.


Adding custom links to menus


This functionality is particularly useful if you would like to add links to other websites or for example to your Social Pages such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and so on. 


Of course, there are other components such as "Categories" and "Tags", however, we will not cover these since their functionality is advanced and you will probably not need those when managing your menus.

Once you are done adding items to your menu, please click on the "Save Menu" button located at the bottom of the "Menu Structure" area. 


Saving a menu


The HostArmada Website Builder will then save the menu and will present you with a message of success at the top of the page. 


Now that you know what "Menu Components" you can add to your menus, let's review the "Menu Structure" and how you can use the provided tools to achieve the desired menu structure. 

In the "Menu Structure" section of the page, you will see a list of all the menu items that you have added to your menu. You can drag-and-drop each of the menu items so you can achieve the ordering you would like. Please note that the menu items will be ordered from top to bottom meaning that the top element will be the first one and the bottom component will be the last one.


Order menu items


In addition to ordering elements, you can also nest those. For example, if you would like to have a drop-down menu item you should position the child elements below the parent one and move them slightly to the right. 


Nesting menu elements


As you can see in the screenshot the "Contacts" element will be a child element of the "About" element meaning that it will be displayed a drop-down menu on the frontend of the website. 


Another edit that you can perform with your existing menu items is to edit their properties. This can be achieved by clicking on the small arrow-like link displayed on the right side of every menu element. 


Editing menu items


This will expand the menu item block and will provide some additional configurations which we will review below:

  • Navigation Label - The text that will be displayed for this link.
  • Title Attribute - The HTML title attribute for this link.
  • Open Link in a new tab - This option will cause the link to be opened in a new web browser tab. By default, all the links will be opened in the same tab. 
  • CSS Classes - Here you can specify any CSS classes that you would like this menu item to have. This is particularly useful if you would like to outline or showcase a certain menu item.
  • Link Relationship - This configuration is used when you would like to specify a relationship with the author of the link you are using. As you can understand this is useful for external links only.
  • Description - The description of the link will be displayed on the frontend of your website if the chosen theme supports it.

At the bottom of the menu item block, you will also see the "Remove" and "Cancel" links. These can be used for respectively removing the menu item or canceling the expanded configurations.


Configure the properties of a menu item


Of course when you are done editing the chosen menu item, please click on the "Save Menu" buttons located at the top and at the bottom of the "Menu Structure" section. 


Saving a menu item


This will save your changes and will immediately apply those to your website. 


Deleting an existing Menu

The final management action we will describe is the deletion of existing menus. This task is relatively simple for achieving as long as you have selected the correct menu. To do so, please use the drop-down list of existing menus displayed at the top of the page. 


Select existing menu


Once you find the menu in the list, please click on the "Select" button right next to it so the menu can be selected. Then, a "Delete" link will be displayed at the bottom of the "Menu Structure" section. By clicking on that link the Website Builder will ask you to confirm the menu deletion and after doing so the menu will be successfully deleted. 


Deleting a menu


Please bear in mind that once deleted a menu cannot be restored. Therefore please be absolutely sure that you would like to delete the selected menu and also that the menu is the correct one to be deleted. 


As you can see managing the Menus of your website built with the HostArmada Website Builder is quite an easy-to-follow procedure. In many aspects, the menu management is the very same as in Wordpress so if you are capable of managing your menus with the HostArmada Website Builder, then you will be able to do the same with the Wordpress application as well. Still, if you are facing any difficulties in the process, please let us know by submitting a support ticket to our Technical Support Crew.

Content Marketing Specialist

Sebahat is a young and bright woman who has become an invaluable part of our team. She started as a Customer Care Representative, mastering that role and, along the way, growing into a tech-savvy individual who is well acquainted with every support layer of the company. Driven by her aim to improve our customers’ experience constantly, she is committed to enhancing the extraordinary support we deliver.