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• Last Updated: 02/12/2020
• ( 8 minutes reading )

How to Manage your Blog in HostArmada Website Builder


Every website today requires quality content that will bring visitors and open new opportunities. Typically that content goes on the pages of your website, however, that is not always the right way. Every page is strictly dedicated to a certain subject often outlined in the page's title, meaning that the topics that can be covered on a single page are limited to one. Additionally, not every page can be linked in the main menu of your website especially when your website contains hundreds of pages. 

All this brings the need for a place on your website where you can post a large amount of different content and structure that content by categories or tags. To cover that need the HostArmada Website Builder provides you with "Blog" functionality for nearly every website theme that we offer and in the following lines of this tutorial we will show you how easy it is to manage your "Blog".

As we have mentioned you will be able to manage a "Blog" functionality with each of the visual themes offered in the HostArmada Website Builder, however, what exactly mean to manage a blog? Typically each blog consists of a few or more categories. Think of a category like a common characteristic around which one or multiple blog posts are being grouped. Under each category, you will be able to add multiple blog posts. A single blog post can be considered as a separate page on which you can publish the content you would want to.


Accessing the Blog Posts of your website

To be able to list all of the existing blog posts in your Blog, you will need to first ensure that the correct website is selected. By default, the HostArmada Website Builder will choose the website for your primary domain, however, if you want to manage the blog posts for another website, please feel free to change the website by using the "Switch Site" link of the top horizontal toolbar. 


Switching websites


Once the correct website has been chosen, please go ahead and access the page where all of your blog posts will be listed. You can do that by clicking directly on the "Blog" link from the left vertical menu or you can hover over it and choose the "All Posts" option.


Accessing the blog posts for your websites


When you click on either of these links, you will be redirected to a new page where a complete list of all your blog posts will be shown. 


Adding a New Blog Post

To create a new blog post, you will have to hover over the "Blog" link from the left vertical navigation menu and choose the "Add New" option. 


Adding new blog post


You will then be redirected to a new page with a similar structure to the one you get when you Edit a standard Page.

The first thing you will need to do on this page is to set the title of your blog post. You can do that using the "Post Title" field located at the top horizontal toolbar. 


Editing the title of a blog post


When you are ready filling that field the title will be automatically shown on the page. 


Post title shown on page


The next thing you would want to edit is the content of the page. As you can see the page is horizontally separated into two areas - the left one containing information about the author of the blog post and the date it has been last edited; the right one containing a place where you can manage the content of your blog post. 


Post content structure


The right area is where the content of your blog post should go. To manage the content of your blog post you can use the web components included as a vertical menu on the left side of the page. To add any of the web components you will need to drag-and-drop it to the content area. 


Drag and drop web component


Once the component is dropped on the content area of your blog post the builder will prompt you to configure the component. In our case, the "Paragraph" component is requiring some text to be entered. 


Web component usage


We have pasted some sample text from the Lorem Ipsum website and here is how it looks when ready. 


Content created


Depending on the used web component, you will be able to add images, lists, icons, sliders, buttons, video, and many many more. 


Finally, when you are ready editing your blog post, you will have to save and publish it. To do so, please click on the "Save" button located in the top horizontal toolbar.


Updating the content of a blog post


Saving your blog post is just the half job done. To show the blog post on your website, you will need to publish the changes. Please also use the "Do you want to Publish only the current Page?" checkbox so you can publish only the current blog post and not the whole website.


Publishing your blog post


Once the publishing is completed, please click on the "Done" button located in the very same dialog box where you initiated the publishing process. 


Editing an Existing Blog Post

Besides adding a new blog post the HostArmada allows you to edit already existing ones. To do that please go ahead and access the list of blog posts as we described initially in this tutorial and then for the blog post you would like to edit, please click the small pencil-like icon. 


Editing a blog post


This will load for you the very same editing page as the one you have used when adding the blog post, however this time the content of the same will be already added for you to edit. Once again, when you are ready with the edits, please do not forget to use the "Update" and then "Publish" buttons located in the top horizontal toolbar. 


Deleting an Existing Blog Post

Finally, in case a blog post is no longer needed the HostArmada Website Builder provides you with the option to delete it. To do so you will once again have to access the list of blog posts as we have described initially in this tutorial and for the blog post, you would like to delete you should click the small trashcan-like icon.


Deleting a blog post


Please note that the Website Builder will not ask you to confirm the deletion but instead it will delete the blog post immediately.

In case you would like to restore a deleted blog post you can do it by accessing the trash collection from the list of existing blog posts. 


Accessing the trash collection for blog posts


There you will find another list of blog posts but this time these will be the already deleted blog posts. If you would like to restore any of these please click the restoration icon for the correct blog post.


Restoring deleted blog post


The restoration will take place immediately and you will be able to find the blog post in the list of existing blog posts. 


That's it! You are now fully familiar with how to manage the blog posts in HostArmada Website Builder! In case you are facing any issues doing so, please do not hesitate to contact our Technical Support Crew by submitting a ticket via your Client Area with us.

Content Marketing Specialist

Sebahat is a young and bright woman who has become an invaluable part of our team. She started as a Customer Care Representative, mastering that role and, along the way, growing into a tech-savvy individual who is well acquainted with every support layer of the company. Driven by her aim to improve our customers’ experience constantly, she is committed to enhancing the extraordinary support we deliver.